Coffee Project Quezon City

Coffee Project, Quezon City Eugenio Lopez Drive - Quezon City

• Café

Recommended by 2 people
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Ratings of Coffee Project

Last update on 21/03/2021
379 Reviews
Last update on 21/03/2021
299 Reviews
Last update on 19/09/2020
74 Reviews


Last update on 27/02/2020
29 Reviews


Cat Bulos
A must try for coffee lovers. A perfect get away in the city for a relaxing ambience and a vibrant response to a weary soul. Best to go in the morning when less people are in for some de stressing. This is by far the first coffee shop to ever confused me whether i was in a garden, flower shop or coffee nook. Cut some slack on coffee traditions and give it a shot to refine your thinking moments and your daily dose of caffeine. The Coffee Project is owned by Senator Villar (trivia from a friend) and i must say kudos for the flowery idea best put in this themed coffee shop. I was impressed, stunned and 'feel good' intentions was clearly there when i stepped inside. And the best part aside from instagrammable every corner idea, they are not limited to coffee and cakes, they also serve all day breakfast and some pasta too. I haven't tried everything in the menu yet but i am sure to come back for revenge on their specialties. I have tried the Vietnamese Latte along with Cesar salad and cheesecake and it was good so far. Looking forward for their pasta and rice meals in the coming days. Great coffee quotes that complimented the wall designs will surely make you smile. 5 star of 5 and is highly RECOMMENDED!� #PusangGala #PusangGutom
Cian Malik Liba
I really loved this coffee shop,so relaxing and of course lots of flavor coffee to choose.The Comfort room also is so relaxing just like any other room..
Anjz Baccay
I wanted to do something different today so I looked for a nice place to study at, away from Manila. Upon browsing the net, I stumbled upon Coffee Project. Reviews from netizens made me want to come here. True to their words, the ambiance and the interior were nice. The place wasn't filled with boisterous chitchats nor laughters, just their silent music playing in the background. I'd say it's a conducive place for studying. How the place was decorated is what will draw you in. Every corner looked like an instagram-worthy pic. In fact during my stay, there were a couple of bloggers who went in to buy coffee but stayed for pictorials. While I wasn't able to hang out there for long, I found myself a nook where I can chill with my friends next time or do school works. If you're a coffee lover like me and a person who's into fancy places like this, then Coffee Project is a place to be at!
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The Chef reccomend

COFFEE PROJECT, QUEZON CITY - Eugenio Lopez Drive - Menu and Prices

Our aggregate rating, “Sluurpometro”, is 82 based on 841 parameters and reviews

If you need to contact by phone, call the number +63 2 246 9069



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