Fook Yuen Food Center Quezon City

Fook Yuen Food Center, Quezon City 558 Banawe Avenue - Quezon City

• Seafood
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Recommended by 8 people
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Ratings of Fook Yuen Food Center

Last update on 28/11/2022
23 Reviews
Last update on 28/11/2022
49 Reviews


Last update on 31/03/2021
255 Reviews

Last update on 31/03/2021
1 Reviews
Last update on 07/06/2020
3 Reviews


Hidden gem in Banawe. A must try
Newes Lim
Banawe is not the same without Fook Yuen! Delish dishes true to its promise. We including the kids loved their Buttered Fried Chicken truly delectable...and also their Chicken with A1 sauce (you'll never go wrong with this), a foreigner friend has been requesting these dishes since they have tasted it. Oyster cake is also sumptuous! And mind you they use Lapu fish as their fish fillet. Two thumbs up for you Fook Yuen! We are an avid fan of your resto!
Sep 10, 2019
Candyd Sia
Clueless on where to take our next foodie adventure, I turned to the internet for answers and Erwan Huessaff just gave it to me. 

Watching his 'HUGE MUD CRAB WITH CREAMY NOODLES Banawe Street Metro Manila' video on youtube and being a frequent diner at the Banawe area, it got me curious on what restaurant he was pertaining to. From the beginning to the middle of the video were restaurants our family frequently goes to and there was only one from the list that we haven't tried yet, Fook Yuen. That video just got me salivating and went to try it out the next day. 

To be honest, from its exteriors (or interiors), Fook yuen doesn't really look that inviting. Don't let that discourage you though. Just like its neighboring Chinese restaurants, they may not have the ambiance, but they serve one heck of a satisfying meal and that's what were here for, the food. 

🦀 Crab with Sotanghon [House Specialty] (Php 2,810) - I'm not sure what the exact name of this dish is, but I believe this is one of their more popular items, so just ask for the specialty with the cream sauce and they'll know what you're talking about. They let you know the different weights of the crab they have available for the day. So since we were 3, they suggested we get the 1.15KG crab. After that, they compute and let you know the price and ask for your go signal before they proceed with punching the order because to be honest, it is not cheap. We were actually quite shocked with the price since we also frequent to dampa for our seafood fix. After that, they asked if we would like to have sotanghon to go with it which surprised us as well because we though it was already included. Just a heads up that there will be an additional of Php 50 for that and they're cash basis only. After going through that, all that's left is the moment of truth. Is it worth it? Trust me, as soon as you get a taste of that plump crab submerged in a huge bowl of cream sauce and sotanghon, for a split second, all your worries will go away. You'll just be enjoying the moment, getting your hands dirty as if nobody's watching and alternating bites between the soft luscious crab and chewy sotanghon. Its a one of kind taste and experience. Definitely one for the books. (🌟🌟Highly Recommended🌟🌟)

🥘 Oyster omelette (Php 290) - It was so-so. Sincerity's oyster cake is still better.

🍗 1/2 Buttered Chicken (Php 180) - The smell coming from the other table made our heads turn and order this. It was the second best decision we made aside from coming here. Such buttery goodness super delish! (🌟🌟Recommended🌟🌟)

From being one of the many restaurants that we just pass by to being our top of mind when it comes to this particular dish, Fook yuen will definitely be our go to restaurants if we wanted to treat ourselves for our crab sotanghon cravings.
Mar 07, 2019
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10:00 AM - 09:00 PM
10:00 AM - 09:00 PM
10:00 AM - 09:00 PM
10:00 AM - 09:00 PM
10:00 AM - 09:00 PM
10:00 AM - 09:00 PM
10:00 AM - 09:00 PM

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FOOK YUEN FOOD CENTER, QUEZON CITY - 558 Banawe Avenue - Menu and Prices

Our aggregate rating, “Sluurpometro”, is 84 based on 400 parameters and reviews

If you need to contact by phone, call the number +63 63 711 3057



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